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Abby Gooch - Your Host

Bitta Wiese

Bitta R. Wiese is the author of 'The Book on Quantum Leaps for Leaders - The Practical Guide to becoming a More Efficient and Effective Leader from the Inside Out'. She is an expert in removing mental blockages that hold you back, blockages that prevent you from getting access to your full potential - whether it is your talent, your intuition or your income.

Bitta was born in 1962 in the north-western part of Norway. She spent her early career in the travel industry, running a thriving business for many years. After a bad parachute accident and three major ‘burn-outs’, her life journey led her to Thought Field Therapy (TFT), and later, to Tipping Point Methodology (TPM) and The Vitality Test. She has now made these tools the bedrock of her work in helping other leaders release their full natural potential.

After working as a TFT therapist for many years, Bitta now works as a trainer, writer and public speaker, all focused on the three tools mentioned above. Since 2008, she has helped people achieve quantum leaps in their growth and development through simple, repeatable and holistic methods.

Bitta has given presentations/lectures in 9 states and countries in USA/Africa and Europe – in 3 languages. She founded Wiese Consult in 2000, and co-founded the humanitarian foundation ‘Strong Again’ in 2011. She is also a co-founder of ATL Europe (Association of Transformational Leaders).

Get Bitta's Book, Quantum Leap For Leaders at: http://www.wieseconsult.com/the_book/

Marcia Reynolds


Dr. Marcia Reynolds is fascinated by the brain, especially what sparks feelings of connection, commitment, and possibility. She draws on her research to help leaders have more meaningful conversations that inspire change. She has delivered workshops in 35 countries and has presented at the Harvard Kennedy School, Cornell University, and the Edwards School of Management in Canada.

Marcia is a true pioneer in the coaching profession. She was the 5th global president of the International Coach Federation and is the training director for the Healthcare Coaching Institute at Virginia Tech. She also teaches for coaching schools in Russia and China.

Interviews and excerpts from her books Outsmart Your Brain, Wander Woman, and her latest, The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs have appeared in many places including Fast Company, CNN.com, Psychology Today, and The Wall Street Journal and she has appeared on ABC World News.

Marcia’s doctoral degree is in organizational psychology with an emphasis on the needs of strong, smart women in today’s corporations. She also holds two master’s degrees in education and communications.

Click here to get Marcia's book!
Access your Head, Heart, & Gut Mediation: http://outsmartyourbrain.com/discomfort-zone-training-support/


Andrea Pennington


Dr. Andrea is the creator of The Attunement Meditation Process, a 5-step mindfulness meditation taught online and used around the world to lower stress, boost resilience and enhance sensuality and orgasm capacity. Her popular 21-Day Compassion Meditation Series is also useful in breaking down barriers to self-love and deep intimacy.

“It is my passion to empower women all over the world to know themselves as the perfect, divine beings that they are, to fully embrace their sensuality and to wholeheartedly share their talents with the world."

Through mindfulness meditation, positive psychology, personal branding & life mastery mentorship I believe that we ALL can become masters of our mind-body-soul connection. We can use the power of our soul to heal, transform and have an extraordinary impact in the world.

Join Andrea's Enlightened Entrepreneur Program By Clicking Here. 


​Kenji Kumara is recognized​ ​world-wide ​as a spiritual catalyst and is the creator of Quantum Lightweaving​ and Sedona Vortex Activations​​. ​He serves as a "channel-holder and initiator" of expanded grounded awareness​ and provide​s​ ​a vibrational space for ​one's awakening, self empowered healing and ​soul mastery. With​ ​academic training in Education, Psychology and the healing arts, Kenji ​serves as a​ ​facilitator​ of ​ consciousness to assist those who wish to explore​ their personal path of ​​illumination and ​awaken to their Soul’s destiny and ​life ​purpose.

Upon attending one of Kenji’s intensive ​retreats and online series, many have reported profound life changes and clarity on their life purpose Many receive ​on-going ​benefits such as stress relief, reversal of physical conditions and reduction and elimination of worry, anxiety and s​elf doubt.

Join Kenji For The Immersion Into Light Retreat
February 3rd-5th, (6th special Vortex walk), 2017:
Sedona, Arizona
Click Here To Learn More & Register!

Jim Oliver

Emmy Award winning, multi keyboardist musician and composer Jim Oliver is a highly regarded pioneer of healing with sound and color and has created more than 3500 hours of transformational healing music. Jim’s musical career has encompassed a wide range from performing with a symphony orchestra to being a composer-in-Residence at Sundance Institute with Robert Redford. He is an extremely popular guest on radio shows and tele-summits world-wide.

Jim’s music study began nearly 60 years ago when at age 5 Jim began piano lessons. Ultimately, Jim majored in Classical Organ at Hartt College of Music. He has passionately pursued the understanding of how music resonates with Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotions with the focus of being of the highest service through music and harmonized color.

His special gift is to spontaneously welcome the Music of the Spheres. You experience the music with every cell in your body and the very Essence of your Beingness / Your True Self.

Jim has recently developed Harmonies of Light – A one-of-a-kind lighting system that as Jim plays live music, the mathematically related colors shine into the space. This is a profound, multi-dimensional experience. Jim livestreams Harmonies of Light Music and Color Meditation Experiences to people simultaneously connecting with each other from all over the world. This offers an expanded, harmonized place for self-healing and self-awareness with high coherence and full integration with Your True Self – True Freedom – True Liberation.

Discover Jim's music by clicking here!

Tami Duncan

Tami Duncan is the creator Epiphany Healing Arts.  She is also the author of Vibrational Healing for Autism. During her journey to heal herself and her son she has learned a lot about healing the mind, body and spirit.  This has brought her to learning healing techniques herself.  She is currently a Reiki Master Teacher, certified in Vibrational Alignment, Multi-Dimensional Healer, Mentor  and medical intuitive. She intuitively determines what the client needs in order to journey through their own healing path.  She speaks telepathically to children diagnosed with autism and helps bring strategies to families and a voice to kids who struggle to have their voices heard.   She enjoys teaching others and hosting amazing healing retreats.  She also creates handmade jewelry and channels custom healing frequencies into the crystals for a full healing experience.   She's built her business and her life by living in the "flow".

Discover Tami's Work By Connecting With Her Here! And visit her special offer product page byclicking here.

Lynnis Woods-Mullins

Lynnis Woods-Mullins CHC,CLC,CPI, is a Holistic Living and Wellness Expert for women over 40  and Founder of PraiseWorks Health and Wellness a faith based mind, body, spirit wellness company that specializes in educating women 40 and over on wellness. Lynnis’s company educates Women over 40 about wellness through coaching programs, e-books, CD’s , DVD’s, radio programs, webinars, special events, and podcast programs/video series.  The focus topics are educating women about  holistic practices, fitness, nutrition, anxiety and stress reduction, and spiritual renewal.

Lynnis has been recognized nationally as a Health Advocate for Women and has received national and regional awards for her work.  Lynnis was recently a finalist for WEGO Health Advocacy Award.  Lynnis’s company was also recognized as Visionary Business of the Year by the National Association of Women Owned Businesses.  Lynnis also writes for several blogs and is a featured columnist for Women’s Voices E-Magazine, Sacramento Observer Empowerment Series, Post40Blogger, Hive Health Media and Curejoy.com.  Over the last six years Lynnis has done countless radio shows, speaking engagements, and has appeared in print media throughout the United States.

Contact Lynnis at: lynnis@praiseworks.biz

And check out her amazing program Wellness Woman & Beyond Holistic Living and Wellness Academy.


Deborah DeJong

Deborah DeJong  is the author of DANCE: Five Steps to Living your Best Life.  Using the metaphor of a dance floor, she convincingly inspires readers to find their true happiness, create effective action plans, stay committed and on track when challenges arise, respect the dreams of others while moving forward and make their dreams a reality. The process of creating the book led to her decision to pursue her dream of motherhood! She is also the author or Decide Today; Make your Dreams a Reality (coming 2017),  an e-book designed to assist individuals to make an inspired life decision and then strategically act toward the attainment of that goal. She is the strategic leader of Deborah D Coaching, offering online coaching and courses for individuals and groups around the globe who wish to live their best life using her DANCE model! Her core program, Manifesting Motherhood, serves professional women and couples who are eager to start a family. She is a loving mother, transformational life coach, motivational author and successful entrepreneur.

Connect with Debra at: deborah@deborahdcoaching.com


Debra Poneman

For over 30 years, Debra Poneman, bestselling author, founder of Yes to Success Seminars and co-founder of Your Year of Miracles Mentoring Program for Women, has shared her system now used by tens of thousands of people in every corner of the world to create lives filled with success, abundance, deep fulfillment and profound self love.

Known as the mentor to the mentors, Debra’s students have taken her teachings and become mega-successful entrepreneurs, renowned transformational leaders, and NY Times bestselling authors; many have become millionaires or billionaires—some even household names.  And everyone who as been touched by Debra and her contagious energy of belief in your magnificence has moved their life powerfully ahead and began to live the greatness they are.

Discover Your Year Of Miracles Program with Debra Poneman and Marci Shimoff By Clicking Here!


Debra Diamond

Debra Diamond is a natural psychic/medium and healer who was gifted with her abilities as a child. She offers psychic and mediumship readings, energy and chakra healing and clearing and guidance for  metaphysical, physical, emotional and life path issues as well as workshops and classes. She provides remarkable insights for her clients in the areas of financial, family, career, job, health and spiritual issues.

A former money manager, Professor at Johns Hopkins University and regular commentator on CNBC, Debra has been featured in the Washington Post, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, The San Francisco Chronicle and other national media. She is a frequent public speaker and lecturer. Debra loves to assist people through Spirit.

Debra is the author of Life After Near Death: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Transformation in the Extraordinary Lives of People With Newfound Powers, published by New Page Books.


Karen Prosen

Karen Prosen is a ceremonialist, mentor and catalyst for the feminine in all, seeking to bring the inner visions of her clients to life in service to the whole. Quitting a lucrative career as an international fashion model to follow her heart to India, she began a healing process that led to spiritual awakenings unprecedented at her young age. Karen believes that the feminine is ready to birth a new paradigm on the planet through creative leadership and enterprise, and that her signature ‘Vessel’ teachings are a gift to others on the path to success. With her MA in mental health counseling and advanced training in hypnotherapy and meditation, Karen works with clients on the subtle level of the nervous system. She helps them unveil their unique blueprint for personal healing and expansion in both wellbeing and business. Karen meets with clients in Sonoma County, CA, internationally over Skype and hosts retreats for both men and women seeking divinity and purpose. Through her many modalities and offerings, she supports people of all walks of life to treat their bodies as temples, become vessels for source energy, and float on this pilgrimage of life lighter than ever.

Discover Karen's Unique and Power Healing Work By Clicking Here.


Simran Singh


IPPY Gold Award-winning author of Conversations With the Universe, in addition to Your Journey to Enlightenment and Your Journey to Love, SIMRAN SINGH creates experiences for individuals and audiences in expressing consciousness through storytelling, song, poetry and soul art. As a Rebel Humanitarian, she stretches the boundaries of the mind and heart enticing individuals into the unknown with bold truths and intriguing conversation. SIMRAN, #1 rated, syndicated host of Voice America’s 11:11 Talk Radio and publisher of award-winning 11:11 Magazine is Host of New Thought Channel Television Network’s 11:11 InnerViews TV and a One Woman Show The Rebel Road. SIMRAN is also author of IPPY Gold Award winning Conversations With The Universe, Your Journey to Enlightenment and Your Journey to Love. As a recognized speaker and catalyst for love, compassion and humanity, Simran is an ‘Example’ for a New World Experience of Aliveness that integrates the Visionary and Mystic embodied within each person on the planet.

Plus receive her free gift 11:11 Magazine!

Miki Jacobs

Miki Jacobs is a medium, spiritual teacher, speaker, and an author. She was born in Israel, and grew up in a conservative Jewish home. She served as a Sergeant in the Israeli army for three years before moving to the United States and starting a business she owned for eighteen years. It was during her time in the business world that her abilities and interest in spirituality rather than religion began to emerge. Both of these defining experiences have had an impact on her spiritual journey. Interestingly, Miki discovered her gift of communicating with the Spirit World later in her life. These abilities began to emerge in her early 30's. Miki has lessons and guidance for those who do not believe they can connect with the Spirit World because they were not "born" with it. Through her work, Miki teaches people that like her, every human being has the capability within them to raise their vibration to that of the spirits and shows them in a step-by-step manner how to awaken these skills.

Click here to get Miki's book! SOUL SECRETS A Spiritual Guidebook To Your "TEAM" - Angels, Spirit Guides, And Departed Loved Ones

Website: www.mikijacobs.com

Mindy Mackenzie


Mindy Mackenzie – or the “Velvet Hammer” as she was known during her days at liquor giant Jim Beam – is currently a sought-after speaker and CEO advisor to Fortune 500 companies. She is the author of the WSJ bestseller, The Courage Solution: The Power of Truth Telling with Your Boss, Peers, and Team.  Mindy is also a Senior Advisor at McKinsey & Company along with being a frequent guest lecturer for the MBA and Executive Education programs at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

Previously, Mindy served as Chief Performance Officer of Beam, Inc., where she was globally responsible for strategy, M&A, human resources and communications and was part of the executive team that led consistent out performance and created tremendous shareholder value delivering double-digit earnings growth year-on-year.  Mindy was promoted to this role after serving as Chief Human Resources Officer for four years.  As the Chief Performance Officer, Mackenzie drove performance in the business across all markets and ensured that the company maintained a disciplined focus on its strategic priorities through her enterprise-wide view and operational business leadership. It was her ability to lead her executive team colleagues in a refreshing “truth telling” manner while maintaining her professionalism and grace that earned her the aforementioned nickname.

To work with Mindy click here and get her book at: http://mindymackenzie.com/intuition-to-income